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Internal Actions against the spread of COVID-19

LABORATORIOS QUÍMICA SON'S is a company committed to the health and well-being of its clients, employees, suppliers, and society, and today reaffirms this commitment by adhering to the preventive measures issued by our country's health institutions to reduce the risk of COVID-19 spread.


For this reason, since the declaration of the health emergency by the Health authorities, the following measures have been taken and/or reinforced:


  • Frequent handwashing and use of hand sanitizer, with mandatory handwashing before consuming food, after using the restroom, and upon entering work areas, in addition to strict entry procedures to production and Quality areas.
  • Compliance with the recommendation of social distancing in all common spaces: offices, dining areas, restrooms, dressing rooms, Plant entrances, etc.
  • Encouragement of frequent cleaning of workspaces and commonly used objects (keyboards, landline phones, cell phones, door handles, etc.).
  • Mandatory use of face masks for all personnel during their commutes from home to the company and vice versa, as well as in critical areas.
  • Prompt reporting and referral to the company's Medical Service area for personnel experiencing respiratory symptoms, for evaluation, diagnosis, and proper referral.
  • Suspension of visits from product and/or service suppliers, clients, and other non-essential visitors to ensure business continuity.
  • Suspension of any work-related travel outside the city.
  • Suspension of work meetings and training courses in which compliance with social distancing or the use of video conferencing or group calls is not possible.
  • Utilization of digital tools for receiving invoices, sick leave certificates, and any other documentation to minimize in-person contact.
  • Access control for all personnel and/or visitors, including body temperature checks before entering the facilities.
  • Placement of visual aids at the entrance of the premises, outlining the basic preventive measures for access and during the stay at the company.
  • Increased hygiene and safety measures for receiving materials, raw materials, spare parts, etc.
  • Heightened hygiene and safety measures for employees involved in medication delivery to our clients.
  • Staggering of employee schedules to avoid crowding in work areas, ensuring that no more than 50 people are present in enclosed spaces.
